Self-hosted Server accessible over Internet - Caddy 2

Here is a video tutorial I made, where I explain everything in very simple terms.

For beginners and advanced users alike, Caddy 2 is THE ULTIMATE SERVER.  You can use it as a reverse proxy to safely access all of your self-hosted home server applications over the internet, with automatic HTTPS. Just combine it with Port Forwarding and a Dynamic DNS (DDNS).

Replace and simplify many other server applications like NGINX, Apache, HA Proxy, Traefik and Lets Encrypt.  Caddy is powerful, feature-packed and very easy to use.

More docs for Caddy.

Summary of commands used

Install Caddy on Ubuntu Server:

echo "deb [trusted=yes] /" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-fury.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install caddy

Start Caddy service:

sudo systemctl start caddy

Configure example global Caddyfile (/etc/caddy/Caddyfile): {
    reverse_proxy localhost:81
} {

Restart Caddy service after configuration changes:

sudo systemctl start caddy